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Manga Wakamono No Kuro Mahou Hanare Ga Shinkoku Desu Ga, Shuushoku Shite Mitara Taiguu Lishi, Shachou Mo Tsukaima Mo Kawaikute Saikou Desu!

Wakamono No Kuro Mahou Hanare Ga Shinkoku Desu Ga, Shuushoku Shite Mitara Taiguu Lishi, Shachou Mo Tsukaima Mo Kawaikute Saikou Desu!

Nom Original: 若者の黒魔法離れが深刻ですが、就職してみたら待遇いいし、社長も使い魔もかわいくて最高です!

Nom(s) Alternatif(s): Though young people recoil from entering the black magic industry, I found its treatment of employees quite good when I entered it, and the president and familiar are cute too so everything is awesome!, Как же приятно работать в индустрии черной магии!, 젊은이들이 흑마법을 기피하는 문제가 심각하지만, 취직해보니 대우도 좋고, 사장님도 사역마도 귀여워서 최고예요, 年轻人脱离黑魔法虽然刻不容缓、但试着就业之后待遇却很好、社长和使魔也非常可爱真是棒极了!

Type: Manga

Statut: En Cours

Date Sortie: 2017

Démographique: Shōnen

Genre(s): Fantastique, Mature, Surnaturel, Démons, Ecchi, Comédie, Magie, Romance, Harem, Adulte, Smut

Artiste(s): Izumi Kouki

Auteur(s): Morita Kisetsu

Synopsis: À venir...